Hanging-Chairs’s Choice: The Photos We Want to Share with You. Enjoy!

These colorful outdoor swings on the first picture below by Paola Lenti, designed by Francesco Rota, have a beautiful name- Adagio, which means “slowly”, so please enjoy these photos below in adagio style.

Oldie but goodie form Paola Lenti. Summer is around the corner, let’s hang out. 

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Design inFusion (@design_infusion) am

Hanging chairs!! I am obsessed. I want one hanging in our sunroom for book in hand & cider hour. . . . . . .

Ein Beitrag geteilt von J & J (@stylewithjessie) am

Probably the best gift I ever gave to Luca ; her new #swingchair at #home 🙆🏽🐒🏹💨

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Lena Terlutter (@lenaterlutter) am

Saff cat gave her approval on the hanging chair today . We’re taking the weekend off of painting. Three weeks until we finish, I think. Xx

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Laid Back Farmhouse (@laid_back_farmhouse) am

More #jungalowstyle inspiration from @shopsalte in Edgartown. I wanna swing away all my summer days in that little nook!

Ein Beitrag geteilt von An Introvert’s Adventures (@anintrovertsadventures) am



Reposted from @dream_casa

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Nici Treadwell (@nicitreadwell.art) am

Clubhouse at the Jersey Shore 

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Perry Street Studio (@perrystreetstudio) am

Coming very soon to @casaduhagon!!! Cozumel hanging pvc chair from @mexadesign. Perfect for this summer!!!! 

Ein Beitrag geteilt von d u h a g ó n (@casaduhagon) am

Sunday vibes! We are open 12 – 4 today.. We have some beautiful hanging chairs in stock ready to be hung and relaxed in! 

Ein Beitrag geteilt von fenton&fenton (@fenton_and_fenton) am


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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Roy Grob (@rgrob71) am

This will be awesome if every office has one of these hanging egg chairs! We are dreaming seated meditation on it

Ein Beitrag geteilt von Lifestyle Fix (@lifestyle_fix) am

If you are reading this now, you are at the bottom of this page, so we assume that you’ve really enjoyed Hanging-Chair’s choice pictures and you’re seriously thinking about having one relaxing and fancy hanging seat in your garden, home or even the office.

We recommend having a look at The Ultimate List of Hanging Chairs

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